Our cross-grade "Buddies" program pairs younger and older children for the whole year — sometimes longer — to build relationships beyond the classroom walls.
From the start, learning at High Meadow has been a multi-grade endeavor. Our school began with a small group of children learning in cross-age cohorts, and throughout our history, we've offered cross-age classrooms. Though each grade is now separate for most academic work, we still provide many pathways to creating cross-age relationships that last for years.
For one, most of our lunch and recess time is shared across the whole school. Our middle school Clubs and Electives are also multi-grade programs, as are our Afterschool classes and Athletics programs. Our most beloved cross-grade activity, though, is Buddies.
This year, our Buddies classes meet up on Friday afternoons for outdoor play — 6th with Kindergarten, 5th with PreK, et cetera. Throughout the week, many grade pairs also find time to share books, walk on the nature trail, or create something together.
Head of School, Michelle Healy, enjoys Buddies both as a parent and in her administrative role: “It's full of heartwarming, hilarious, and unexpected moments,” she says. The program leads to connections outside of school, too, like birthday party invitations and first babysitting gigs. Last June, 4th grade and nursery families shared their end-of year celebration.
Buddy pairs are made by our teachers with each child's personality in mind. Some pairs hit it off right away, finding common interests, or just running, jumping, and laughing together. Other relationships take time to build, with educators supporting both older and younger students as they get to know each other and discover things they can share.
Cross-grade relationships present opportunities to both develop relational social skills and explore the responsibility of being part of a supportive community. For older students, this can mean modeling kindness, patience, and empathy for their younger buddies. For younger students, these interactions provide a chance to feel supported and valued while practicing cooperation and communication skills.
In short, the Buddies programs helps foster a community of mutual care, deepening bonds between students across age groups. Families can take part in the joy of Buddies for themselves by joining us for one of our remaining Fireside Fridays coming up in December or in the spring.